Clinique Neurofeedback Gatineau
Besoin d'aide pour troubles de l'Anxiété \ Stress \ Dépression \ TDAH \ Améliorer la Mémoire \ Concentration \ Sommeil \ Meilleur équilibre Émotionnel \ Fatigue \ Douleurs Chroniques
Pour Enfants et Adultes de tout âge
Consultation Téléphonique Gratuite
APPELEZ-NOUS: 613 606 8088
Heures D'ouverture
Du Lundi au Vendredi: 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
Samedi : 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Secteur St-René O / Main - Gatineau,Qué Email:
Couvert par la plupart des Cie d'Assurances
Innovative Drug Free Alternative Treatments
for a healthier life
Discover how the Dynamic Neurofeedback can Help you Improve Anxiety & Depression, Sleep Disorder, Memory, Concentration, ADD, ADHD, PTSD, Addictions, Emotional Issues, Autism, Fibromyalgia, Alzheimer, Brain Injuries, Migraine, Degenerative and chronic disease, fatigue, Performance in school, sports......
With NeurOptimal® the focus is on restoring brain resilience and flexibility.
We are training People's Brain, Not the Conditions
100% non-invasive, long-lasting method for restoring serenity and wellness
Neurofeedback translates into greater relative balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic tone within the autonomic nervous system. The effect of learning to shift one’s own physiology results in a reduction of symptoms in most stress related disorders.
Natural and Effective Solution to restore a better Health
for Children and Adults of all age
Anyone can benefit from NeurOptimal training. NeurOptimal® is an advanced neurotechnology designed to train the brain to function at peak performance levels. This innovative form of neurofeedback is not a medical treatment, but rather a training for the brain. Whether you are feeling depressed and unmotivated or panicky and anxious ; whether you are looking to change a behavior, struggling with your relationships or simply looking for a third-party perspective. The breadth of my training allows me to meet your individual needs. NeurOptimal is now being used everyday in 76 different Countries Around the World, more than 2,300 sessions per day, more than 71,000 sessions per month.
We are committed to non-pharmaceutical interventions that offer a high degree of safety and efficacy, as documented in the mainstream Medical and Psychological literature (see Association for Applied Psychophysiology or International Society for Neurofeedback and Research official web sites).
Life Can Be Better & Easier at all age!
“The root of all health is in the brain.”- Ancient Kurdish wisdom
Who Am I ?
Hi, I'm Marie-Francine, a passionate professional pragmatic naturopath and Neurofeedback Brain Trainer. I'm all about having people’s lives change and be as optimal as possible with the help of brain training and best innovative technologies. I currently work on my own and in addition to my other occupations, spots are very limited. The good news is, if you’re ready to get started, I will do whatever I can to work with you to make it happen.
What is NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback?
NeurOptimal® neurofeedback, the latest generation of neurofeedback technology, is an information-based technology that reads the electrical activity in the scalp in real-time, through 5 sensors on the head and ears, and gives instant information/feedback to the brain when it detects that the activity is about to go out of balance. Based on the information received, the brain decides, rather than the Trainer, what to change in order to re-balance itself. The software for this technology is run on a laptop or tablet so that the system is portable and easy to use. It has been time-tested over millions of hours with clients around the world and it is safe and effective. No need for EEG or diagnosis before starting the training.
Brain training with NeurOptimal® can help you function more efficiently and at your very best in all aspects of your life: at home, at school, at work, in sports & athletics, and even at play! Many NeurOptimal® users report life changing results. Mentally clouded individuals, due to injury or life circumstances, tell us how after using NeurOptimal® they’ve rediscovered clarity to an extent they and their loved ones once believed unattainable.
Why Neuroptimal is the TOP CHOICE in BRAIN TRAINING?
NeurOptimal functions quite differently than other traditional neurofeedback systems. Instead of telling the brain what to do, by the practitioner setting the goals for that day, NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback™ takes advantage of the brain’s natural dynamical learning processes by giving the brain the information it needs to do the work itself. It’s like holding up a mirror to the brain so it can make its own adjustments. This gently, surely and powerfully enables the brain to function more efficiently. NeurOptimal® naturally maximizes the brain’s innate capabilities of self-regulation, resilience and flexibility. NeurOptimal vs. other neurofeedback systems.
What Happens in a Session?
You will sit in a comfortable chair and simply relax. Two tiny sensors are applied to your scalp and ear clips to your ears. These sensors allow NeurOptimal® to read the delicate electrical activity of your brain, much like an EKG reads your heart. You then listen to music and watch an ever-changing visual display, although you can close your eyes and tune out if you prefer. Children sometimes like to play a quiet game or read a book. There are very brief pauses in the music indicating NeurOptimal® is at work, invisibly guiding you through a complex mathematical dance during which the challenge to your brain is varied.
Some brain training systems require the user to “interact” by playing games or solving puzzles during sessions. This additional level of interaction is unnecessary with the NeurOptimal® neurofeedback system. During a training session, you can simply relax and enjoy! Despite the complexity “under the hood”, no effort is required from you during sessions, at all! Simply relax and enjoy the 33.5 minute session while your brain re-organizes itself.
How Many Sessions?
This depends partly upon your goals. If you are training to feel better quickly, you might decide after 10-12 sessions that you have made enough gains and stop. Many people do experience a noticeable shift within the very first session and even more after 6-12 sessions. On the other hand, depending of the issue you are trying to solve and different factors (medication, life spam of chronic condition) you might want to go for more optional sessions which is a better ballpark. The good thing is you can stop at any time and always pick it up again later if you so choose. Any training you have done in the past will always serve you well should you do more sessions in the future — no session is ever wasted.
For some however, training their brain is like training the body. They want to function at their best throughout their lifetime, and they like to maintain that best even when life presents its inevitable day to day knocks and bruises. After a period of initial training they continue with maybe monthly sessions to give their brain a regular opportunity to “defrag”. Or, like many of us, they just do a session when they feel they need it. But in the end, it is always up to you, because it is YOUR brain that is doing the training and it knows what it needs. Everyone will experience different results with the Neuroptimal. Some report that they notice a difference upon their first session. Others have reported results within as little as a few sessions. It is best to be patient as the benefits are worth it. Your body deserves it!
Will it help with my condition.....?
The answer to this question requires looking at this from another perspective. Neuroptimal® works with all brains in spite of any diagnosis or goal that someone may have or think they have. When a brain is working more optimally, an individual is better able to function regardless of any specific label or concern the person may have. Often with training people forget they had concerns and no longer identify themselves by labels.
Why Should I Choose to Train with you?
Our training does not attempt to “fix” predetermined conditions. This is a limitation in many other neurofeedback systems where often solving a problem in one area could cause problems elsewhere. The heart of the system – Dynamical Neurofeedback® – is a proprietary technology based in neuroscience and specifically designed with the naturally non-linear function of the human brain in mind that self regulate his own brain the way it is originally meant to be. No need for EEG evaluation that measures the amplitude of the electrical activity of the brain in order to get results and to trigger specific area of the brain.
In-Person Sessions: Booking and Pricing
Covered by most Insurance $89.99 In-Person Trial Session
NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback brain training, like any other type of training takes time, therefore we ask for an initial commitment of 6 sessions which is $550. We understand that this a significant financial commitment, therefore we offer a single, trial session ($89.99) so that you can experience it first and then decide whether to commit to an additional 5 more sessions. That is because, like any other kind of training, it takes time for the brain to make changes and develop new neural pathways. We are committed to helping you achieve your goals, and over the past 6 years, we've found that 99% of clients have noticed changes in the frequency, intensity or duration of their symptoms or concerns after 6 to 12 sessions. Covered by most insurance company
Our Special Rate for Neuroptimal Sessions:
First appointment $99.99.
Follow up sessions : $89.99 per session
**check for applicables conditions
6 sessions: $ 550.
8 sessions $ 700.
12 sessions: $ 1,050.
Rent a Neurofeedback system for Flexibility
Our Rental Package-Unlimited Sessions
One (1) Week Family Rental Package that includes UNLIMITED
SESSIONS for all member's family in your home
Save money and time by renting our Neuroptimal system while comfortable at home
Our Rate: $750 \ week for UNLIMITED SESSIONS
Our Rate: $900 \10 days for UNLIMITED SESSIONS
Our neurofeedback rentals are so user-friendly that you can be training within minutes of receiving your system.
NeuroSantePlus has one unit of rental available that can be rented on a weekly basis. Generally, we provide rental units in Gatineau and the surrounding areas. Schedule a complimentary call or zoom meeting to discuss your needs and goals for seeking assistance if needed. We'll answer all your questions about how this type of Neurofeedback works and determine together whether renting a system is a fit for your or your families. All rentals come with either an in-person 1-hour training session or an online 1-hour tutorial. The rental of neurofeedback system is exceptionally not covered by insurance as for the individual in person sessions.
** Contact us to discuss if you qualify for rental option and condition. We reserve the rights to accept or refuse the rental at all time.
A Combination of Neurofeedback & PEMF
Our SPÉCIAL ​Promotion of the Month that transforms Life.
Combo 6 sessions Neuroptimal +6 session of PEMF
Buy a package of 6 neurofeedback sessions and 6 sessions of PEMF while training your brain. This is our most popular package to improve the healing capacity of the body. Enjoy the many benefits of PEMF while training your brain sitting in a comfortable long chair. A saving of $125
Our Special rate: $550.
The Perfect Combination for the Entire Body
to get back on track Neurofeedback and PEMF
Better Circulation. Better Health. Better Life. BEMER PEMF Therapy has several health benefits including circulation enhancement, nutrition delivery, better sleep and a higher level of physical fitness. The BEMER sends low level electromagnetic field throughout the body in order to safely increase blood flow, resulting in better disbursement of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body while eliminating waste.
Improve your brain while boosting & restoring your entire body all at once. Our goal is to keep our clientele happy, healthy and back on track as fast as possible providing the best of technologies services at an affordable price. We discovered that by combining both together, Neurofeedback and PEMF our client recover much more quickly than just a single technology. While training your brain sitting on a comfortable long chair listening to music or reading you get to enjoy the benefits of the mat PEMF on the chair which technology is improving your overall body cells, systems, tissues, meridians and organs.
PEMF Research & FDA Approval
The good news is PEMF really seem to not only reverse the effects of Magnetic Deficiency but there are over 30,000 research papers showing the PEMFs help well over 100 conditions! Not only that but PEMF therapy has FDA approval for several conditions like Non-union fractures, depression, inflammation, cardiovascular regulation, pain and swelling and even brain cancer!!
Benefits of PEMF
1- Eliminate Pain & Inflammation Naturally
2- Get deep, rejuvenating sleep
3-Increase your energy and Vitality
4- Help with arthritis, muscle pain, fibromyalgia
5-Keep your bones strong and healthy
6- Help your body with healing and regeneration
7- Improve circulation and heart health
8-Help eliminate the toxins of the body
9-Fight all the negative side effects of EMS/EMF
10-Help with chronic conditions and fatigue
and much much more....
It can be used to help heal bone fractures, soft tissue injuries, musculoskeletal pain, and other conditions. The human body is made up of charged cells, which makes it electric. PEMF works off of this principle by influencing and changing the cell's voltage.
** contact us to discuss the conditions of our special promotion package. We do not provide insurance receipt with promotions.
PEMF are not recommended for pregnant woman, epilepsy and cardiac metal devices
PEMF is a benefit for mankind from infant to the geriatric, and will lead to a change in the paradigm of medicine.”
– Dr. Linus Pauling, Double Nobel Prize Winner
Just like physical fitness, conditioning your physical health will make you a
better, stronger, more resilient you.
Peak Performance
Concentration, focus and emotional control are key to achieving optimal performance in all fields. Athletes and business executives are taking advantage of neurofeedback technologies to learn how to utilize the full potential of their minds to reach their peak
Stress & Anxiety
Anxiety is a common response to stress, and sufferers often feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and fatigued. Neurofeedback can help guide your brain to change how it responds to stimuli that disturb our physical or mental equilibrium.
While medication and behavioral interventions can do a good job treating the symptoms of children with ADD or ADHD, neurofeedback retrains the brain to regain better control and focus. This method is about building up the person, focused on the qualities they possess.
Our service is covered by most insurance for In-person training
Get Started Today
CALL US 613-606-8088
PS: **The contents of this website including all images, text, graphics and other materials are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.